These are our lives, these are the days of our lives. Every day is a day of our life. A precious and miraculous day. There may be some perfect days, where all unfolds with heavenly ease and grace, where we feel deeply loved, held and appreciated. The days where all flows and we sense deeply the beauty in our lives, we feel the wonder, we see through the eyes of awe. But many days, and more often than not, we could say, most of the days, are rather ordinary days. Our lives are pieced together by an ongoing rhythm and stream of ordinary days. Days where we make mistakes, days where we did not articulate in the highest form, days when we were tired, or something was bothering us, or something was on our mind — days where we were human.
Days where we wonder what the future holds, days where we wonder if we are living fully and deeply enough, days where we are unsure if we are on the path we need be on, if we are making the correct choices, if we are living the most we can. Some days are tough days, and some days we simply make it through. But every day, every day is a day in our life. Every day makes up our life, and some may be more pleasant than other days, some heightened, and others may be lower, painful days, but all days have their place, not any day is not a day in our lives, every day is.
And the pain and beauty in life, and all that is in between, is that it will consist of many kinds of days, and some will feel that perhaps nothing much is happening at all, but it isn’t until one sees how far one has travelled, one stops for a moment and takes stock of how much one has lived, that we can see it all, we can see how all strings together, and unfolds in a pattern that one cannot see as one lives the day, but can see after living many days and looking back and how they were lived.
Life is lived however in the very day, it cannot be lived in another. As even if one can travel back in time, or forwards in time, or sideways or upside down or to another place where time does not exist, one still lives in that very moment, and not in another. And you can live in one day, and be thinking of another day, and that is what many do, as does this writer, while also living in this day too.
We live through time, all is unfolding in this day, but in this day lives the days of our past and the days of our futures too, it’s unlikely a day goes past where one is not touched by a day of the past, or one thought does not float by a thought of a day of the future. But today, today is where we live, as we never live fully in yesterday, as we cannot, we cannot inhabit yesterday, as much as we cannot inhabit tomorrow, we can only live in today, which is visited by yesterday and tomorrow, but as only in today, in fact, yesterday and tomorrow can only exist in today also, or else they would not, as one can only have the thought of yesterday, from today, or tomorrow for today.
And much time is spent on the yesterdays and tomorrows, and some days we live in the completeness of today, but if life consists mostly of todays, in which we can only inhabit, even in the yesterdays and tomorrows, one can deepen the todays, as one can deepen anything. We ponder the yesterdays, and dream of the tomorrows, but, for the most part, in many cases, all that we ever could need, can be found in the todays. And some todays we wish not live again, and they become stories of yesterdays, and some tomorrows bring more life into the todays, but it all exists in the today.
Today is so richly full of all we could dream of, all we yearn for, all we desire, today, underneath the layers of the chattering and the worrying and the pondering, is a magnificent stream of life, eternal and timeless and full and blooming, that opens and blooms the todays in such a full way.
Many days are not perfect, and our lives, our lives are rather messy, sometimes disastrous, and often rather ordinary, but if we cease to pay attention, if we cease to notice what is here for us, all of us, in this very day, we cease to live today. With as much bravery and curiosity and kindness as we can muster, we can live fully in this very day, we can live fully in today. We can love deeper, we can taste stronger, we can hear louder, in this very day. And many days of our lives are ordinary, and a few are perfect, but a string and selection of ordinary todays, is our lives, they are many parts of a whole.
Some todays we must hold on tight and weather through the storms, and others we can sink into love and pleasures without a worry, without a care. But for the majority of todays, all we need do is notice how miraculous this very today is, and how exquisite all is too. It’s rather likely there would be plenty of things that could make this very today more grand and whole and wonderful, but it is no where else, except for in this very today.
So today, extend grace and love to those around you, the souls who share their todays with you, and take a moment, it can be a simple moment, and look, and feel, and really look, and really feel, and you will see, and you will uncover, the wondrous magic that is in this very today, and this magic, this miraculous existence, this beauty, this wonder, exists also on in today, as it is the only today that we can ever inhabit. This awe, in lives in today, the same very today that you are living in. In every today, be awed, by the very miracle, of this very today.